Ruben Bach… interested in one thing. Just one thing? One thing indeed. Namely; what is the essence of our existence? And not… how do I become better as a person, or how do I perform optimally, or how do I become a successful employee or entrepreneur. But … what am I in essence. What is the source from which this life seems to unfold and how do I learn (beyond the ego) to experience clearly and live from that what ‘I’ really am.
It might take some time to get used to listening to this message for those who are used to living from concepts and convictions they have acquired. Yet, time and time again, new insights emerge when we take a close look at our convictions from a new, clear, and open perspective.
In no way ‘Ruben’ is interested in the role that we allot to ourselves. Not at all. With great enthusiasm ‘Ruben’ connects with ‘others’ who come on ‘his’ path.
If you attend one of his meetings, know that the role you seem to be playing in this life will not get any attention. For those who strongly identify with their role in this life, this can be confronting and evoke resistance. Sometimes confronting, but most of all giving rise to new positive discoveries.
In the sessions, the following questions are addressed: What remains when we leave all the concepts we have acquired behind? What happens when we are no longer dependent on thoughts, emotions, and feelings? How do you move when you observe mindlessly?
Beyond all acquired ideas in this life… what IS there… is of interest to Ruben. Nothing else. Nothing? No, only that. Why? Because ‘there’, the key to the natural flow of life can be experienced and it will become clear that all the perfection we seek as a ‘human form’ is already there. Before the next thought enters ‘our’ mind, all perfection is already there. Something is unchanging and stable. The stability we are looking for in this life is already there. Even when life seems complicated and impossible. Of course, there’s nothing wrong with thoughts, but many stuck patterns and stagnant life situations dissolve like snow in the sun when a ‘human form’ discovers the essence of this existence.
When it becomes clear that thoughts, opinions, and concepts have absolutely no inherent meaning, space is created for relaxation and clarity. This relaxation and clarity allow the wonder of life to be seen again. The ‘bubble’ of vagueness and confusion in which we often find ourselves is pierced. Again and again during a ‘Short Moment of Stillness’.
Repetition of Short Moments of Stillness is one of the methods that belong to the training and meetings Ruben provides. They allow for relaxation and clarity during all life situations.
The training and meetings are supported by audio recordings and videos. This allows the repetition of the practice to continue effortlessly afterward.
The programs are offered both in Dutch and English.
Additional background information:
Volunteer and non-profit projects:
Ruben is the founder of The Love Trail
As a volunteer, Ruben works for The Living Dying project
Founder and co-creator of the ‘Embracing Death project’ The Embracing Death course
Ruben’s findings in his own research over the past many years have been woven into the stories and guided meditations of the ‘Embracing Death’ course. He followed Buddhist online meditation courses on impermanence, dying and death with teachers like Ajahn Achalo and Ajahn Sumedho. He is very grateful for the lessons he has received from them and many others.
In addition to his work as an ‘awareness trainer’, Ruben is a certified volunteer active in Dale Borglum’s Living/Dying project. Here Ruben guides people who are directly involved with their imminent death. The Living/Dying project is a worldwide organisation that has been active since the 1970s.
In collaboration with Charmaine Kachibaia (also affiliated with The Living/Dying project) Ruben created the project ‘Embracing Death’. The texts for this project, written by Ruben, were recorded by Charmaine. The course ‘On Life and Death’ is a free translation in Dutch and has been written and recorded by Ruben.
It is Ruben’s greatest passion to introduce people to the transience of this life. To have them experience that every moment is so incredibly precious. To show that, as it were, all life experiences can be looked at through completely different eyes. Less from a closed ‘state of mind’, more from openness in a spatial manner. Beyond all thoughts… there… somewhere… with no location… Ruben takes you along in great amazement. It is with amazement what he likes doing most, whilst apparently being here in this human form.
The courses in Dutch and English on life, impermanence, death and dying are offered low cost. If somehow one isn’t able to pay for these costs they are always welcome to contact Ruben via info@innercreations.one
To further develop new projects like these donations are very welcome.
This can be done via PayPal: www.paypal.me/innercreations
If you would like to make a bank transfer, please send an email to info@innercreations.one.