One On One Sessions
One On One Sessions

One On One Sessions

During the InnerCalling sessions all your deep longings are clearly brought to the service. Step by step you’ll be taken to your deepest desires. Ruben will be asking very clear questions. At the end of the session five topics will remain that will give great new insights. Many wonderful moments during the sessions gave rise to beautiful openings in the life’s of many beings. In a very effortless and natural way.

Enjoyable benefits

Enjoy more peace, space and focus in your life. It will become crystal clear what it is that needs your attention. You will get to know what truly makes your heart sing and what it is that will give deep satisfaction. This may be very different from what you have suspected it to be.

Often the results of the InnerCalling Sessions are a big surprise and they certainly give renewed access to your creative energy. Where you might have been in doubt before, suddenly a lot starts to happen. Open up. Life begins to open up for you again and will flow naturally towards your deepest desire. Do you feel it’s time to open up to a new flow in your life?

Book a session: click here

Other One on One sessions

If you wish to explore your own questions or challenges in life please send an e-mail to Sessions cost 70 euro per hour. Before the Skype session takes place, consultations can be made via email.

InnerCreations is always open to connect with people who at this point in their life can’t pay the 65 euro per hour. Please send an e-mail if this the case to ask for the options.