General terms and conditions

General terms and conditions


General Terms and Conditions of Service of InnerCreations

Article 1. Definitions

In these general terms and conditions, the following terms shall have the following meanings:

  • Contractor: InnerCreations, established in Nijmegen,
    registered with the Chamber of Commerce under number 77200837, user of these General Terms and Conditions

General Terms and Conditions;

  • Client: the Contractor’s contractual partner in the Agreement
  • Parties: the Principal and the Contractor;
  • Agreement: an oral or written Agreement between the Principal and the Contractor concerning the provision of services by the Contractor;
  • Services: all services provided by the Contractor and all related acts, both preparatory and executive in nature.
  • Child: the minor for whom the Client has entered into the Agreement for the Provision of Services.
  • In writing: in writing or by electronic means.

Article 2. Applicability

These General Terms and Conditions are applicable to every offer and quotation made by the Contractor, to every
Contractor, to every Agreement between the Parties and all related acts, both preparatory and
These General Terms and Conditions apply to every offer and quotation made by the Contracted Party, to every Agreement between the Parties and all related acts, both of a preparatory and executive nature.
If these General Terms and Conditions apply to an Agreement between the Parties, they will also apply to all Agreements between the Parties.
Parties, they will also apply to future Agreements between the Parties.
apply to future Agreements between the Parties.
Deviations from these General Terms and Conditions are only valid if they have been explicitly agreed
agreed upon in writing.
Article 3. Realization of the Agreement

The agreement shall be formed as soon as the coach agreement or agreement for participation in a training course, workshop or event organised by InnerCreations, signed by the contractor and the principal, has been returned by the principal.
The agreement shall be entered into for an indefinite period, unless the content, nature or tenor of the assignment given shows that it has been entered into for a definite period. If during the execution of the agreement it appears that for the process and result it is necessary to modify or supplement it, parties will timely and in mutual consultation adapt the agreement.
In deviation from paragraph 1, an Agreement may also be established if the arrangements made verbally have been confirmed to the Client by e-mail or by some other electronic means and have been declared to be approved by the Client.
If the provision of services relates to the supervision of a child under the age of 16, and the Client is not the only parent or legal representative of the child by law, the provisions in paragraphs 5, 6 and 7 also apply.
All legally authorizing parents must agree in writing to the accompaniment of the child. The custodial parent who is the Principal is required to properly inform the other custodial parent about the child’s supervision and is required to ensure that this parent also gives his or her written consent. This also applies in the event of changes in the supervision.
If the other parent with custody does not or no longer agrees to supervise the child, the Client is obliged to inform the Contractor of this immediately. In that case, Provider is not or no longer allowed to supervise the Child.
If Client has not or not fully complied with the provisions of paragraph 5 and/or 6, the consequences of this shall be for Client’s account. The Client will fully indemnify the Engaged Firm if the Engaged Firm is held liable by the other parent.
Article 4. Execution of the order

Octrooibureau Novopatent shall, in consultation with the Client, determine the manner in which the given assignment shall be carried out based on the request for help. She shall perform her work to the best of her knowledge and ability, exercising the care that may be expected of a coach.
may be expected of a coach. The service provider can only perform and charge the client for more work than commissioned if the client has given his prior consent. If the service provider wishes to involve third parties in the performance of the assignment, it will do so only after reaching agreement with the client.

Article 5. Confidentiality and privacy

Octrooibureau Novopatent is obliged to keep confidential everything discussed during or in the context of the provision of services. Information is considered confidential if this has been communicated by the Client or if this follows from the nature of the information.
For consultation with third parties in the interest of the Child under 16, permission is required from the legally authorizing parents and if relevant from the Child. Article 3 paragraph 4 applies accordingly.
Provider will handle personal data of Client and the Child confidentially, in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations in the field of personal data protection, including the General Regulation
Data Protection (AVG). See Privacy Statement InnerCreations.
Article 6. Offers and tenders

During or after the introductory meeting/intake, the Contractor shall give or send an offer for the coaching process or participation in a training course, workshop or event organized by InnerCreations to which the Client may respond. All quotations and offers of the Contractor shall be without obligation, unless the quotation stipulates a period for acceptance.
The Contractor cannot be held to a quotation or offer if the Client can reasonably understand that the quotation or offer, or any part thereof, contains an obvious mistake or error. Offers and quotations do not apply automatically to future orders.

Article 7. Payment

Payment by the Client must be effected within 14 days of the invoice date by means of a transfer to Iban: NL52RABO0350644128 in the name of InnerCreations. All judicial and extrajudicial (collection) costs reasonably incurred by the contractor as a result of the Client’s non-performance of its payment obligations shall be borne by the Client.

Article 8. Cancellation and notice

If the client wishes to cancel an appointment already made with the contractor, this must be communicated to the contractor no later than 24 hours in advance (by telephone/WhatsApp/Mail). If the cancellation takes place less than 24 hours in advance, or in case no cancellation has taken place at all, the contractor is entitled to charge the costs to the principal. The Client and the Supplier may cancel the agreement at any time. Notice of termination must be given to the other party in writing.

Article 9. Applicable law and complaints procedure

The contractor has adopted a complaints procedure in accordance with the Wet Kwaliteit,
complaints and disputes (Wkkgz).
Clients of the Contractor may invoke the complaints procedure and may
be assisted by a complaints officer, free of charge, if they so wish. If the
complaints procedure and the complainant does not agree with the outcome, the complainant may submit the complaint to a recognized
submit the complaint to a recognized arbitration body.
The complaints procedure and information about the Complaints Officer and the Dispute Resolution Body can be found
to be found on the Contractor’s website; A complaint must be submitted in
be submitted in writing to the Contractor.
Article 11. Liability
InnerCreations’ coaching and training is solution-oriented, without guaranteeing the solution or the result.
guarantee. The Client shall (also after a coaching process or a training course, workshop or event organised by InnerCreations) continue to develop in his/her own process.
InnerCreations has taken out a professional indemnity and
InnerCreations has a company and professional indemnity insurance via Interpolis “Zeker van je Zaak”.

Article 12. Final Provisions

These General Terms and Conditions and all contracts between the Parties shall be governed by Dutch law.
Dutch law shall apply to these General Terms and Conditions and all Agreements between the Parties.
These General Terms and Conditions can be viewed and downloaded on the website of
Nijmegen, 02-02-2020 InnerCreations
Coaching and counselling personal development for children and adults

Chamber of Commerce 77200837
St. Agnetenweg 31
6545AS Nijmegen


InnerCreations is an initiative of owner and founder Ruben Bach. Activities of InnerCreations are organized in co-creation with others at different locations. Although we offer a caring and conscious environment during our online training, workshops, retreats and all other inspiring events, we are not a therapy center or healing facilitator. We offer online training, workshops, inspirational events and retreat weekends and weeks.

Participation in all activities organized by InnerCreations is entirely at your own risk. InnerCreations is not liable for any form of damage whatsoever, direct or indirect, as a result of participating in activities organized by InnerCreations.

InnerCreations is not responsible for physical damage of any kind that may occur during an activity or through participation in an online course. Damage caused to property or materials by participants that were hired by InnerCreations that occurs during an activity will be recovered from the participant. Any damage, incurred by a participant, caused to InnerCreations materials or materials of other participants during activities is always the responsibility of the participant and at the participant’s expense.

Personal Wellness

Participants who suffer from serious psychological problems or are under treatment of a psychiatrist or psychotherapist are asked to mention this when registering. Whether participation in the relevant activity is possible will be determined by mutual agreement. Program participants are responsible for maintaining their own well-being and should inform their InnerCreations representatives of any health problems that arise during their stay at an event. InnerCreations program participants must inform InnerCreations of pre-existing medical conditions at the time of booking and also ensure that they bring an adequate supply of prescription medication in case of extended stays during weekend or week-long training events.

InnerCreations is not responsible for any negative effects caused by the events or retreats organized by InnerCreations, nor through other social media, audio offers on websites and other expressions by the InnerCreations.

Meditation is generally considered a safe activity, especially at the beginning levels. At these levels, it is primarily an exercise in relaxation and concentration.

However, the advanced levels of meditation may require a willingness to use your powers of concentration to conduct self-study and research. If you feel uncomfortable participating in this type of self-exploration, we ask that you not go beyond the beginning level until you feel safe and comfortable going further.

If you have had a mental illness in the past, check with your health care provider before learning meditation. This is not to say that meditation will be harmful to you, but it is better to be on the safe side.

Please note that we are not doing any work as of psychologist, therapist, counselor or medical professional. Anything we say or write should be taken as our own opinion and not an expression of professional advice or prescription. You are fully responsible for how you choose to understand, misunderstand, use or misuse our writings or communications.

We cannot accept responsibility for any direct or indirect effects that may result from your use of the information on YouTube, Facebook, our website ( or in any of our communications. In addition, we cannot guarantee that any information or practices on this website or that we may write or communicate about it will work for you in any particular way. By using our given content, you agree to use the information contained herein entirely at your discretion.

The text below is taken from the website of and has been adapted by InnerCreations for its own use. Thank you for the clear text 365 and the wonderful work done by you.

InnerCreations – InnerCreations is a provider of programs in the field of personal development. For these programs, the following additional provisions apply for the participants thereof. These provisions are provided to participants upon sale of programs. Every participant who attends an InnerCreations program agrees to these provisions.

Programs – When registering for a program, it is described what a participant can expect from the program and what the special provisions are. Some programs also include meetings.

Meetings – Some InnerCreations programs include one or more meetings. Meetings are live events where participants receive coaching in a group. When you purchase a program, it will show you if there are any meetings in the program and what day(s) and time(s) they will take place.

Cancellation of Program Participation – A program cannot be cancelled – either before the start or during the program – unless InnerCreations has established a special cancellation policy for a program. In that case, cancellation is only possible in accordance with this applicable regulation. InnerCreations does not offer catch-up classes for a participant who is unable to attend a meeting. Also, InnerCreations has no refund obligation if a participant did not attend one or more meetings – for whatever reason.

Transferring – An InnerCreations program is name-branded. This means that a participant cannot transfer his or her program to another person. For one-time meetings, InnerCreations does in some cases offer the option of transferring a purchased ticket to another name. Information on these options can be obtained by the participant by contacting InnerCreations.

Material InnerCreations – A participant in a program is not permitted to reproduce, edit or otherwise use for commercial purposes any materials, images or methodology offered to the participant as part of the program unless authorized by InnerCreations.

Attending Meetings – A participant is not permitted to use or bring alcohol and/or drugs to InnerCreations meetings. The participant should be in good mental health while attending meetings. If a participant has doubts about this, the participant should report to InnerCreations’ care team in advance.

Change of Meeting – If due to force majeure a meeting cannot take place, InnerCreations will provide a suitable alternative for participants. If the place or time of a meeting is changed, InnerCreations will ensure that each participant is notified in a timely manner. Changed meetings do not entitle to a refund of the purchase price.

Liability for Meetings – InnerCreations shall make every effort to ensure that the meetings are conducted in an enjoyable and safe manner for every participant. Attending the meetings is at the risk of the participant. Should damage occur during a meeting, InnerCreations shall only be liable for damage caused by intent or gross negligence on the part of InnerCreations up to the amount for which InnerCreations is insured. Loss caused by (hired) third parties and loss resulting from failure to comply with instructions given by InnerCreations shall not be eligible for compensation. InnerCreations is also not liable for loss, damage or theft of items brought along by the participant.

Pictures Meetings – InnerCreations may take pictures, videos and audio clips during meetings. A participant may be recognizable on these images. InnerCreations is entitled to use these images, for example for marketing purposes.

Privacy – InnerCreations is obliged to provide information about data processing that takes place. Information about website visits is included in our privacy statement. For questions or requests regarding privacy, participants can always contact us by sending an email to

When a participant signs up for a program, InnerCreations asks for personal data, but never more than is necessary for the program. Sometimes a name and e-mail address is sufficient, in other cases address details are also needed. A name is needed to personally offer our products, the e-mail address to send products and a home address is only used to send materials.

InnerCreations takes the protection of data very seriously. InnerCreations takes necessary measures to prevent misuse, loss or access by third parties. Should, despite all efforts, a data breach occur, then InnerCreations will report this to the appropriate authorities and those involved will be contacted.

Due to fiscal regulations InnerCreations is obliged to keep the data of participants for a period of seven years. After this period the data will be removed.

Every (former) participant always has the right to ask us to provide access to his or her data. A request can also be made to change or remove the data. InnerCreations applies the General Data Protection Regulation (AVG). A (former) participant has the right to submit a complaint about InnerCreations with regard to privacy to the Dutch Data Protection Authority.

Last updated on 08-06-2021