Reacties van deelnemers

Reacties van deelnemers



Online course: Navigating Intense Moments In Life

Each session with this wise and gifted teacher gave me an opportunity to experience my life more softly and purposefully. My intention is to go beyond old patterning and sit more comfortably in what my Soul truly wants to be. I encourage anyone to follow along, opening your mind and heart to stretch and expand into softness. It will be a shift worth taking!! Deep gratitude to you, Ruben, for these lessons, and for your sharing and generosity. 🍃🍃

Lisa Anderson

Online course: Don’t Fool Yourself Any Longer

It is quite difficult to put into words just how beautiful and deeply moving this course has been💜 I would truly recommend this to everyone. Everything on here has resonated at a deep and spiritual level 🙏 Thank you Ruben for reminding us humans who we really are! Much love to the universe ✨️ ❤️


Online course: Embracing Life, Death & Impermanence

Absolutely beautiful!


Guided meditation: No Longer Addicted To The Next Experience

I don’t know how this meditation was bookmarked so I decided to do it and oh it was exactly what I needed today, this feeling and your voice your words wow thank you thank you from the bottom of my heart ♥️ !🙏🏼 ✨✨


Online course: Embracing Softness

Dear Ruben, thank you for presencing softness and tenderness during your course. Also welcoming what emotions are present and finding ways to soften in and beyond them. I find throughout my day and evening, I hear your tender reminder: soft, softly, softer to bring curious loving presence. This allows me the freedom of not believing everything I think. Thank you, Ruben. Sending every soft, kind wish for your happiness and wellbeing. 🌻


Guided meditation: Soft Encounters

Thank you, my Dear Friend, for your warm comfort and guidance. As I navigate my days seeing myself and the world differently, my heart still tender from a relationship ending, you have helped calm my confusion and held me in loving and kind acceptance. I listened to your message sitting at my computer, fighting the bright sunshine which made seeing the words on the screen impossible. So, I stopped the struggle, gave into the warm light coming through the window, closed my eyes and let your warm intention and the sun’s rays truly and deeply touch my heart. I let go of the struggle and was blessed by letting go. Lol. You are a special soul, Ruben. The more I soften and listen to your words, the more I feel Divinely held and comforted. Change, as we all know, is inevitable and important. Yet to be helped navigating the unknown, is a blessing and gift I am grateful for beyond what words can describe! It is always a lovely day to hear your inspiring messages. And to connect with you, my new dear friend. We are, after all, just walking each other home! (Ram Dass) You’ve helped me find peace along the path, Ruben. How precious that is!! Much love, Jan 18Mar2024


Guided meditation: Soft Encounters 

Beautiful, Ruben. Thank you again, and especially for the rhetorical question: can life itself be enough. It seems to be that being able to say yes, can make the difference between suffering and acceptance for the larger tangible and intangible aspects of this life, when we are present with the quiet hum of it all. Sending love. 🙏💜


Online Course: Navigating Intense Moments In Life

Thank you so much for this beautiful course! I love the idea to have the day be full of reminders- to soften. So lovely. I am opening more and more to learning how to let it go. To not argue. To not have to say my side to be right. This is such a beautiful course to walk with on that journey. I appreciate your contribution to my awareness practice with this resource. 💗I have many, many challenges like all people. It has been a very difficult two years with an unwanted estrangement from my beloved child. I was so full of grief, isolation, loneliness. Trying to discover who I am, through the grief and pain. Trying to open to recognizing my value is much more than being a mother that I previously placed all my worth on. And since my daughter needs distance right now it made me feel like a failure. Like I had no value. It has been a blessing in that it has allowed me the space and time to get to know myself beyond motherhood and to see where I want to heal and become healthier for myself and in relationship to myself so that in turn will allow me to be healthier in relationship with all beings. I am grateful for it despite kicking and screaming metaphorically when it first happened because I wanted things to be the same to go back to what I knew and cherished with her. But, I know and believe all things are temporary and always changing. But, I was resisting that despite believing it. Which showed me how much work I needed to do on myself and letting go and being with what is in this moment and that I have no control. Which is both scary and beautiful. And reminds me of your vulnerable share about your wife and epilepsy. We will be okay and the universe is conspiring to give us what we need at all times. In much gratitude 🙏


Guide meditation: Embody The Power Of Not Wanting Anything From Anything

I ‘d give this meditation ten stars 🌟 if I could. Your soothing voice and words were incredibly powerful to me at this time. My dear husband and I were married for 63 years and five months when he passed away on December 29, 2022. I miss him when I return home and look at his favourite chair. Mostly I miss his gentle presence. I carry on my life as well as I can. So I don’t fight with reality. At the present time I have a serious case of the flu and am not sure My 84 year old body will survive it. So I tried to listen to your meditation on dying and had to stop half way. Just want to thank you for this talk. It was most helpful. Thank you for your beautiful response, Ruben. I have had a paid membership with Insight Timer for a few years now. Best money I have spent! It’s got me through some difficult times. About four days ago, I received a call from the credit card company that my card had been compromised so they cancelled it and issued a new one. Problem is the card is in Canada and I live in Mexico! I will send you a donation as I like to do when I receive help from a teacher. That aside for now, I’m feeling clearer. I’m glad it worked for you. Much love ❤️


Guided meditation: Embracing Death

Thank you Dearest Ruben🙏🏻 I am crying from the soft comfort of your warmly spoken words. And at the same time encouraged and re-energized to live each moment in gratitude and guided by love-no matter the concern or challenge. I consider it a true blessing to have been guided to find you here on IT. I love having your voice in my ear and messages nested in my heart now. Such peace and softness…ahhhh. 

Nejem Raheem BOSTON. MA USA

Online course: Navigating Intense Moments In Life

Absolutely lovely. Thank you

Norma Gill

Online course: Navigating Intense Moments In Life

That was so beautiful, Ruben. I will listen again and again. Thank you for your beautiful presence, wisdom and understanding of life and all its complexities. I look forward to changing my perspective on life’s difficult situations… and rather see them as life expressing itself in a most beautiful way. I love that. Thank you.

Esha Gupta

Guided meditation: No Longer Addicted To The Next Experience

So calming, so centering, so grounding, that I slept off towards the end. & woke up with so much vigour & freshness. Thank you! 💖💖✨✨✨


Guided meditation: No Longer Addicted To The Next Experience

A beautiful and transcendent guidance. Thank you 😌🙏🏻


Online course: Don’t Fool Yourself Any LongerAmazing! Thank you, Dear Ruben. 🙏🏻 If anyone reading this wants your heart to be soothed, your mind expanded, your body filled with peace, your Soul connected to a wise and caring guide, then take this course! It will soften life’s challenges. It will soften your sorrows, soften your interactions with others, and plant seeds of change that will grow beyond your immediate knowing. 💫 I will listen to these sessions again and again because I was met by a kindred Spirit here. And my Soul knows the soft ways home now. Many blessings Dear Ruben. Soft sailing through all your inner and outer journeys. ✨💫✨


Online Course: Navigating Intense Moments In Life

So raw and honest. Thank you Ruben for your insight. I was moved to tears by the gentle disarming like words. Felt sad , happy and yet Life is what it is! Will be repeating as a powerful reminder! Namaste!❤️🙏🏼


Online course: Embracing Life, Death & Impermanence

This course is for anyone wishing to advance their understanding and acceptance of the inevitable. This course is for anyone READY to face their fear of death head on and deal with whatever comes up in order to live a fuller, more fulfilling life. Years of searching, reading and therapy did not do for me what this course did for me. I am so grateful to Ruben and Charlemagne for their work and bravery in producing this seven day course.❤️It’s impact is profound. I will revisit this course again in order to elevate my awareness further. Thank you!


Online course: Navigating Intense Moments In Life

Beautiful meditations and guidance. I recently lost my job after 36 years and find myself adrift in uncertainty. Ruben’s message of how life happens regardless of what we have planned resonated with me and begins to open me to the possibilities that life may offer. Possibilities that may not be my plan and to find peace in the now.

Darren NY

Guided meditation: Finally Able To Invite, Embrace And Transform All

So great to find this meditation from Ruben. It is such a gift and reminder that while going through life’s seeming “problems” that our true unchanging self is there too and all is ok. Thank you Ruben, how did I miss this meditation in English until now? I’m looking forward to part 2!


Guided meditation: No Longer Addicted To The Next Experience

I was one with the universe by the end of the meditation . Beautiful and thank you .


Online course: Don’t Fool Yourself Any Longer

Ruben, this course has helped me the most to be more open and peaceful within this amazing space we call life. As a so called human having a word filled experience, you have helped me increase my awareness of my innate inner peace and softness. I wish you well my friend and I look forward to following your lead in the future. Thank you so much! Namaste…..Peter


Guided meditation: What Is Needed To Feel Extremely Worthy?

So helpful. Thank you, Ruben


Guided meditation: No Longer Addicted To The Next Experience

Beautifully true and peaceful. One to return to again when I forget this lovely truth.

Tito Villalobos

Online course: Embracing Life, Death & Impermanence

Very profound focus on impermanence


Online course: Embracing Softness

I found this course deeply transformative and very beautiful in its simplicity (in the true meaning of “simplicity”). As soon as I started listening, I felt as though I was coming home. I am embracing softness throughout the day, but with no effort because, as you keep reminding us, softness is what we are. I shall listen, if only for one minute at a time, again and again throughout each day to remind me that Softness is always there. Thank you, Ruben, for bringing me back home and reminding me of something I have always known. With love and gratitude 🙏 , Jill

Chrislon Robinson
Guided meditation: No Longer Addicted To The Next Experience

This is where I want to reside. Other worldly spaciousness falling into love. Open endless gratitude.

No Longer Addicted To The Next Experience

Guided meditation: No Longer Addicted To The Next Experience

Beyond words! It was absolutely amazing!! 💯 Ever so grateful 👌🙏❤️❤️❤️

Jacintha Saldanha

Guided meditation: What Force Is Meditating You?

What a marvellous feeling I went through listening to your words! That was my most treasured time ever. Thank you ever so much


Guided meditation: The Beauty Of Not Manipulating Anything… But How?

Beautiful. I’m so happy I found your work, Ruben. Thank you. 💫🙏

Cassandra USA

Online course: Embracing Softness

This 7 day course was great. I found the ‘talks’ most helpful as a way to imbed the feeling and response of the term ‘soften’ into my head so I could recall it many times throughout the day when I found myself overthinking or tensing. Thank you so much, I will return to these again. 🙏💫


Guided meditation: No Longer Addicted To The Next Experience

What a breath of fresh gentle air. I am in awe of the music, the softness and the lesson . 🙏🏻🙏🏻 thank you thank you!!

Gaetan Caron

Guided meditation: No Longer Addicted To The Next Experience

Thank you, a great guided meditation to practise simply being and letting go of conditioning and identity and ego. 🙏


Online course: Don’t Fool Yourself Any Longer

An amazing, excellent and profound course. So inspirational and Healing. Will definitely use teaching again and again

Darren NY

Online course: Embracing Softness

This course was great! Softness is such a great message that Ruben carries in all his meditations. It was so nice to be able to focus on it in this one. This was another great guided journey by Ruben. Thank you!


Online course: Embracing Softness

Thank you once again Ruben! Listening to your courses always brings so much peace and clarity and a positive shift in the perspective of life!✨🙏🏼❤️


Online course: Embracing Life, Death & Impermanence

Everyone could learn from this beautiful course. It wasn’t scary, as I thought it might be, it was graceful,living and intuitive. Thank you Charmaine and Ruben for helping me embrace ageing and my mortality . After the sudden death of a loved one I listened to the course a second time. It was a big help with my grief process and reminded me of the beauty of impermanence. Thank you so much Ruben and Charmaine

Lisa Anderson

Guided meditation: What Is Needed To Feel Extremely Worthy?

Thank you, that was lovely 💜 A much needed message today🙏🌸

Guided meditation: What Is Needed To Feel Extremely Worthy?

Another great meditation by Ruben! Thank you for your great message. As always you help me deepen.


Guided meditation: Can Life Itself Be Enough?

Another great meditation, thank you Ruben! This course was great too. You always lead me to softening and opening


Guided meditation: Finally Putting Things Down…

This is my favourite meditation guide. I appreciate the casual pace and insights. Even the music is perfect. Thanks


Online course: Don’t Fool Yourself Any Longer

Great program, thanks so much Ruben! I look forward to doing more of your meditations, courses and the Inner Calling Session. I’ve been meditating for a while and this one definitely woke something up further in me!


Guided meditation: Finally Putting Things Down…

So relaxing and such a beautiful way of perceiving life! Thank you for this gentle practice Ruben❣️🙏🏼